AUTONOMY NOW present: ‘Great Anarchists’ with Ruth Kinna
Friday 23rd November, 7pm
Venue: Housmans Bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
King’s Cross
London, N1 9DX map.
Tel no: 020 7837 4473
Free Entry
A talk to celebrate the launch of the Great Anarchists pamphlet series published by Dog Section Press. The pamphlets delve into the anarchist canon to recover some of the distinctive ideas that historical anarchists advanced to address problems relevant to their circumstances
Many of the issues the anarchists wrestled with still plague our lives: Anarchists developed a body of writing about power, domination, injustice and exploitation, education, prisons and a lot more besides. The history of ideas contains a theoretical toolbox that is available for us to use, amend and adapt.
Ruth Kinna works at the Department of Politics, History and International Relations, specialising in political theory. Since 2007 she has been the editor of the journal Anarchist Studies.